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Employment Resource Center

The Employment Resource Center (ERC) is open Monday through Friday between 10am and 4:30pm. This computer lab is available for employment purposes only. Within the ERC, additional support is available to not just enrolled program participants, but anyone who visits ULEM for support. Everyone who utilizes the ERC must complete an intake form. The ERC provides:

  • Assistance with basic online job searching

  • Support for additional cover letter and resume changes

  • Information on any newly listed positions by posting them on the job board

In general, the ERC serves 600+ people annually.


Online Local Jobs Portal

ULEM provides a resource for:

  • - job seekers to find local jobs, to apply online, & get answers to work questions

  • - residents to share help, support, and tips as a community

  • - employers to connect with local prospective applicants and to build awareness of their jobs

Follow this link to search jobs or browse the community, to ask a question, and more:

This portal is provided by a generous donation from Jobcase 


Job Placement

Job Placement assistance is available to all participants enrolled in our workforce development programs. Depending on the program, participants meet with the Job Placement Specialist weekly or as needed. Participants receive job descriptions and contact information for available positions that best suit their skill set and educational background. They are also prepared for job interview(s) through one-on-one meetings, in addition to their classroom training in job readiness. Participants are offered ongoing support up to 12 months.

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Case Management

Case Management Services are available to all participants enrolled in our WFD programs. Case Management is the most significant asset and strongest component of ULEM’s programs, according to feedback received from partners and employers. We believe this is because our staff is reflective of the constituents that we serve and are able to provide resources to overcome obstacles to employment. ULEM’s case manager also does follow-up and tracking of the participants’ placements once they have completed a program. Our efforts help participants develop concrete support and employment plans extending far beyond the time they spend training with us. With our referrals and support, participants are able to take clearly defined steps toward moving out of poverty through employment. We provide post-job placement support for up to 24 months.

Domestic/Sexual Violence Support

Support for victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence is made available at the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts through the Domestic and Sexual Violence Project. This culturally specific project is offered in direct response to address the need for equal access to direct services, information and resources, vital in the support of victims and survivors of trauma. The team works in collaboration with faith leaders and law enforcement to provide training that enhance the quality and response that victims of color receive from first responders. Additionally, the project works alongside Northeastern University Law Students to provide cultural sensitivity training as it relates specifically to victims of trauma of color. Trainings have garnered positive response from counsel and client; impacting how victims of color are perceived and thus represented within the legal system. The success and national recognition of the project is directly tied to its committed effort to provide victims and survivors of Boston’s inner city communities of color with a coordinated community response that addresses the individualized needs of victims and survivors through a spectrum of quality services, specialized training, and support throughout its network of partners, supporters and community leaders.


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